Recently, I made a bold decision to leave my draining full-time job.
Coping with the stress, I found solace in excessive sleep.
After quitting, I felt a sense of liberation.
However, my fear of financial instability lingered, casting a shadow over my newfound freedom.
Enter EFT tapping—a technique I had heard of but never truly explored.
Seeking a solution, I stumbled upon a Free Udemy course on basics of EFT Tapping.
Intrigued, I delved into the practice for a week and experienced a profound shift in my energy.
Inspired by my initial success, I decided to tailor the tapping technique to address my specific fears and limiting beliefs.
One such belief was ingrained deeply: “I have to work tirelessly to earn money.”
Determined to rewrite this narrative, I crafted a new affirmation: “The more I relax, the more abundance flows into my life.”
EFT Tapping Script
Begin by tapping on the karate chop point and repeat the following phrases:
Karate Chop Point:
- Even though I’ve always believed I have to work hard to earn money, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
- Even though this belief has held me back from experiencing true abundance, I choose to release it now.
- Even though I’ve been conditioned to believe that success requires constant struggle, I’m open to embracing a new, more empowering mindset.
Round 1
Eyebrow: “This belief in hard work and struggle.”
Side of the eye: “It’s been with me for so long.”
Under the eye: “I feel the weight of this belief.”
Under the nose: “But what if I could invite abundance with ease?”
Chin: “What if I could relax and still attract wealth?”
Collarbone: “I choose to release this belief in struggle.”
Under the arm: “I am open to a new belief: abundance flows to me when I am relaxed.”
Top of the head: “I trust in the natural flow of abundance.”
Round 2
Eyebrow: “Letting go of the need to work excessively.”
Side of the eye: “Embracing the idea of ease and abundance.”
Under the eye: “Relaxing into the flow of wealth and prosperity.”
Under the nose: “I am worthy of receiving abundance effortlessly.”
Chin: “I release any resistance to this new belief.”
Collarbone: “I allow myself to receive with ease and joy.”
Under the arm: “I welcome the abundant opportunities that come my way.”
Top of the head: “I am open and receptive to the abundance that surrounds me.”
Round 3
Eyebrow: “I release any remaining doubts about abundance flowing to me effortlessly.”
Side of the eye: “I trust in the universe’s abundant nature.”
Under the eye: “I am grateful for the abundance already present in my life.”
Under the nose: “I attract prosperity with ease and joy.”
Chin: “I deserve to live abundantly.”
Collarbone: “I am aligned with the energy of abundance.”
Under the arm: “I am open to receiving wealth in all its forms.”
Top of the head: “I am relaxed, and abundance flows to me effortlessly.”
With each round of tapping, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of confidence and clarity.
By customizing the EFT tapping script to address my specific fears and limiting beliefs, I was able to break free from mental blocks and open myself up to the abundance that had always been within reach.
If you’re ready to unlock abundance in your own life, I encourage you to give EFT tapping a try—it just might change everything.